The Other Weaving Mill / Dreamfactory
The Other Weaving Mill / Dreamfactory has invited artistic practitioners dedicated to themes that touch upon philosophical, social, or ecological aspects connected to the textile sphere in loose and diverse ways. The aim of the weekend is to collectively form questions concerning the history and present of, and search new ways for the future of sustainable production in a specific postindustrial, rural context.
Welcome to enjoy mini presentations, reflections, walks, talks, video screening, and a collective workshop.
participants: Marcus Appelberg, Camilla Larsson,Berith Stennabb, Marie Hållander, Frida Hållander, Jeanette Schäring, Pia Mauno, Linnea Rosa Rosenqvist, Runa Juhanisdotter, Stina Östberg, Tove Posselt, Åke Sjöberg, Åsa Norman
program HERE
Uddebo, June 28-30