Future Utopia Community Key is an Artist in Residence (AiR) program.
It is dedicated to the activities in the rural village of Uddebo and the area. The objective is to respond to the specific needs of the local and social context belonging to a rural community committed to economic sustainability, where the inhabitants claim the defence of the intangible, of the pro-common. The Residence program is a collaborative agency, dedicated to new social bonding and community building. It’s a process-oriented platform with a cross-disciplinary approach. The main areas of focus is ecological, economical and political utopian societies in a post-human perspective. Another main focus is the economic and social conditions of art and possible forms of art and social change in the light of post colonialist theory. A long-term goal is to visualise a model of self-sustainability which is possible to replicate and adapt to other places. We offer a retreat from the (urban) environment to insert oneself in a new experience of dialog with a rural community. The residency is open for any disciplines; philosophers, visual artists, research, innovators, creatives, architecture and design. The application process works through invitation, or is offered through special partnerships with other institutions, funding bodies or organizations. Four guest artists will be invited per year to live and research or produce new work in relation to the particular context of the village. The program encourages and assists the insertion of the artist into the everyday life of the village. The duration will vary from one to two weeks periodically during two years. The resulting works will be of very different nature but share an emphasis on open, context-based collaborative processes, and focuses on socio-political and economical transformative art practices which empower and respond to diverse current rural situations.